Apple Will Switch From IPS to IGZO

Monday, January 2, 2012 | 6:43 AM WIB
According to news circulating, Apple will no longer be estimated using a panel of IPS (in-plane switching) which has always been used on its flagship gadgets.

It is estimated that, in return Apple will adopt a flat panel display IGZO (indium gallium zinc oxide) for the next generation mobile devices.
Apple Will Switch From IPS to IGZO

IGZO panels from Sharp that will begin to use the new iPad in order to increase the screen resolution of Apple's flagship tablet next. And for the iPad suppliers, Sharp is reported to have switched from memproduks panel size becomes smaller panel sizes for smartphones and tablet PCs.

In addition to Sharp, the bulk of panel makers in Taiwan also has the ability to produce panels IGZO. Only, the success rate of the panel is still a major focus for several manufacturers there.
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